
I have always loved telling stories and when I started taking photo I understood that what I wanted to do was to tell particular stories, describing the beauty that lies in them through poetic and evocative images. I focus mainly on social and environmental issues, with particular attention to the topic of women's rights, the LGBTQ+ community, animals and climate change
Dreaming of Zeno
Is a project about an Italian couple of women, Martina and Sara, who dream of having a baby. This project aims to demonstrate the difficult path these two women had to take to become mothers in their homeland. A journey made possible by people who do not stop in front of an obsolete legislation, people who believe in the freedom of dreams and, above all, in the freedom of life. A journey in the true meaning of the word, by the fulfilment of their dream which is now true: the dream of meeting Zeno.
Since Your Gaze Is Gone
is a documentary work made during the closure of wildlife parks caused by the government measures to contain the spread of Covid-19. This work tries to emphasize the incredible absence of the visitor in contrast with the constant presence of workers and animals of the parks. Animals that have remained in their place, waiting for the gaze of a spectator who is gone.
Beyond Plastic Nets
It tells the story of a day in the life of two fishermen in Scardovari bay (Ro), Italy, and their project to use biodegradable nets instead of plastic ones to raise muscle.
Pebbles of a Frail Rock
is a photographic documentary on the village of San Leo (RN), made in September 2021 which aims to bring out both the fragility of a village destined to disappear, and the tenacity of the citizens and, above all, of young children, with whose commitment your beloved country finds new strength to shine.